All are welcome! 


Coffee Break is an energetic, spirit filled ministry for women of all ages.  

Coffee Break meets on Wednesday morning from 9:30-11:00 am in Gateway's Heritage wing. 

September 25 - December 18, 2024 with another session in the New Year.

Entrance and check-in on the south side of the building.  

There is child care for our little ones and Story Hour for our little more grown ones (3-5). 

Our current study is Sermon on the Mount by John Stott.   

For more information email Sophie.

women's inductive bible study

Winter Session 2025

Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:00 am

Jan 8 - March 12, 2025

You Can Understand Revelation

A 10-Session Bible Study by Jen Wilkin

Revelation shouldn't leave us fearful or confused, but its imagery and concepts often confound our modern ears. If all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, though, we should assume Revelation is as accessible and helpful as any other book of the Bible. Study Revelation verse-by-verse to discover how the last book of the Bible is accessible, helpful, and speaks a steadying word of assurance and endurance to the church in every age.

Cost is $35 - comes with video access.
(If cost is prohibitive please contact Karla at karlakornelius@hotmail.com)

Register for this study HERE, you can also purchase/pay for your study book through this registration OR order it on your own through Amazon (just click NEXT when given the option to order a book if you will be getting your own).

Registration closes Dec 20th .

senior Women's bible study

Currently we are studying the book of James.

This group meets for study and prayer on every second and fourth Wednesday of the month, beginning at 9:30 am.

Come to the south side of the building for our meeting in the Heritage boardroom in the lower level hallway.

Call or email the church office for more information.