Giving Report

Weekly Special Offerings

December 22 - Archway Abbotsford Foodbank

December 29 - Fraser Valley Gleaners

Giving Options

Automatic recurring fund transferclick here, and return this form to the office to get set up
Etransfer |
Online |
Worship on Campus: secure giving boxes available at the auditorium entrances
Mail-in | 2884 Gladys Avenue, Abbotsford, BC, V2S 3Y2
Drop off | secure mailbox near the south entrance to the Heritage (east) Wing

The following tithes and offerings were received December 9-15, 2024:

General                                          $ 13,128.70

Benevolence Fund                       $ 3,901.63

Debt Reduction                            $ 740.53

Operational Savings                    $ 195.47

Cyrus Centre                                 $ 3,000.00

Ministry to Seafarers                   $ 370.00

Archway Abbotsford Foodbank $ 50.00