Criminal Record check

As a volunteer for Gateway, this is a free online process. On occasion, at random, people will be asked to visit the local RCMP office and do the process manually, and/or submit fingerprints. Gateway will reimburse you for the cost. 

You will need the following access code: LRXPRE92GB (copy and paste)

Here's a helpful instruction video

STEp #2

Safe Church Manual

Please read through Gateway's Safe Church Manual carefully so that you have an understanding of Gateway's safe church policies and procedures. When you believe you have a good understanding, please proceed to Step #3. 

Click below to read: 


step #3

Safe Church Quiz

Now that you have read Gateway's Safe Church Manual, you are asked to take the following Safe Church Quiz. You will need to receive 85% or higher.

Step #4

volunteer forms

You're almost done!   

In adherence with Gateway's Safe Church policy all volunteers are asked to complete a Volunteer Application Form. You can print one below and return it to the church office.

Printable Volunteer Application Form

You will need to print and distribute the Reference Form to 2 people who know you well (not family please).  Those people can mail them into the office or return them to Carol Conway's mailbox at Gateway Church.

Printable Reference Form

Online Reference Form