Philippines T.R.I.B.E. MISSIONS

Young Adult Trip

June 1-14, 2025


$3,600 per person (may fluctuate slightly)

A payment of $1,100/person is required from all participants. Lord willing we will fundraise the rest. In the event the balance is not fundraised, participants will be required to pay the balance

ministry Partner:

Love Beyond borders

While in the Philippines we will join with Pastor Noberto Fermin (pictured) of Love Beyond Borders and minister on the island of Mindoro. We will focus our attention on the Mangyan Tribe, specifically the Iraya Tribe.  

Pastor BJ has been a personal friend of Pastor Marcel for over 25 years. Pastor Marcel has been to the Philippines 5 times, including the island of Mindoro and the Mangyan Tribe. 

Our Time in the philippines...

After arriving in country, we begin the experience with two days of cultural orientation in the nations capital city, Manila. Once oriented, we will travel by bus, jeepney, ferry and canoe to the island of Mindoro to the tribal community to minister love of Jesus Christ.  

We will live in 'community' with the tribal people, raising the status of the local pastor allowing him/her wonderful opportunities to present the love of Jesus.  This will be done by house visiting in morning, rice distribution, children's ministry and so much more. 

During our first few days in Manila, you will visit a Barrio near our host church to as we get our first taste of ministry for the trip!

On our final days we will visit some of the depressed areas in Manila, presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will see first hand the contrast of poverty - tribal vs urban poverty. 

This is not a vacation. You will be sleeping in the forest with a tribal community. There will be no 5 star hotels. You will eat their food, hike mountains but it will change your view on life, faith and community. 

Here are some specifics tasks we may do in each (towns): 

  • Haircuts
  • Bathing
  • Face Painting
  • Teaching kids how to brush their teeth & providing necessary supplies
  • Teaching parents simple first aid techniques
  • Balloon Twisting
  • Presentation of the Gospel through magic show, puppets, skits, testimonies, preaching
  • Clothing Distribution
  • Meal Provision for Communities - We will prepare and feed families at celebration nights in each sitio.

frequently asked questions:

  • We will be flying into Manila and then through various modes of transportation will we make our way to the island of Mindoro to minister to the Mangyan Tribe. We will arrive in Calapan via ferry before journeying deeper into the island. Mindoro is divided into two provinces; Occidental and Oriental, we will be in Occidental Mindoro.

  • The cost of the mission experience is $3,600 per person. Due to exchange rates and increase in inflation, this may change slightly but we will do our best to keep it as close to $3,600 as possible. Additional cost - any needed shots, spending money food while traveling etc. 

  • Pastor Marcel deRegt will be leading both the intergenerational & Young Adult trips. This will be his 9th trip to the Philippines (4th with Mangyan Tribes)

    Jayden Tuin will be co-leading the intergenerational trip and has been to the Philippines, specifically the Mangyan Tribes two times.

    Pastor Justin Carruthers will be co-leading the Young Adults trip. This will be Pastor Justing first time to the Philippines.

  • You will need a valid passport for 6 months following our return. No visa is required for our length of trip. If you are under the age of 19 you will need a NOTARIZED travel consent form found here.

  • Various vaccines are required and recommended to enter the Philippines. We encourage you to reach out to the Fraser Valley Travel Clinic to find out what you need and when you need it by.  This is the travellers expense.  Fraser Valley Travel Clinic. 

  • We will be eating good Filipino food prepared for us by the LBB chefs. It will be safe to eat. When we are with host families we will be required to eat what they serve us. Not to eat would be extreme disrespectful and a hindrance to our ministry. The water is not drinkable so we will be drinking bottled water while in Manila and purified water at the Mangyan Tribe

  • They may look the same and have the same function but they are not toilets.  If you were to ask - "Where is the toilet?" or "Do you have a washroom?" you are committing a rude offence.  You must at all times, whether in the heart of Manila or in the tribe of Mindoro, call them COMFORT ROOM or CR. 

  • YES! You will have plenty of opportunity to share your faith story with people - either one on one or in front of a crowd of people. Come ready to share a 3-5 minute testimony.  Will you need to share - most likely. So come prepared. You story is a huge encouragement to the people. After all folks, this is missions trip - we need to share the love of Christ.  When talking, try to not share 'Christian-ese' words or Canadian references such at Tim Hortons's etc. Write it out before you leave. 


    • Your target audience - church, kids, adults, youth
    • to keep it to 5 minutes or less but no less than 3 minutes
    • to give God all the glory
    • to give a challenge - "God can change your life as well"
    • to keep it personal - use a story how God changed your life. 
    Once in country, you will also be asked to prepare a 15 minute message of salvation.  This will be discussed more in country. In addition, the team will be divided into two groups and will take a familiar Bible Story and rewrite it into a puppet show.  
  • Support Letter: When you write a support letter, you’re doing way more than just asking for money and prayer – you’re inviting someone to participate in your trip. While they won’t be hopping in the van with you, they will be filling the vital role of providing support in your mission trip experience. Keep this in mind as you write and send your mission trip support letters. Here are a few things to keep in mind: Make it look good, be interesting, make it personal, explain what you are going to do, add some details and don't forget to ask for financial and prayer support and where they can send their support. 

    Adopt-a-Box: On a poster board, draw out a grid of 50 square and number each square 1-50. Invite friends and family to sponsor a square and donate the amount of the square. If someone adopts square #43, they will donate $43.00.  By using social media, talking with friends and family, try to get all 50 squares adopted. If you do, that is $1,275. Bigger Challenge - do a 75 or square grid. 

    Ask your Church: Don't be afraid to ask your home church for support. Make sure you give your local Deacon Board or Missions Committee a copy of your support letter.

  • The Mangyan have a complex spiritual belief system which includes the following deities:

    • Mahal na Makaako – The Supreme Being who gave life to all human beings merely by gazing at them.
    • Binayi – Owner of a garden where all spirits rest.
    • Binayo – Is a sacred female spirit, caretaker of the rice spirits (kalag paray). She is married to Bulungabon. The kalag paray must be appeased to ensure a bountiful harvest. It is for this reason that specific rituals are conducted in every phase of rice cultivation. Some of these rituals include the panudlak, the rite of the first planting; the rite of rice planting itself; and the rites of harvesting which consist of the magbugkos or binding rice stalks, and the pamag-uhan, which follows the harvest.
    • Bulungabon – The spirit aided by 12 fierce dogs. Erring souls are chased by these dogs and eventually drowned in a cauldron of boiling water. He is married to Binayo.

    Iraya Mangyan tribe

    The Iraya Mangyan tribe is an indigenous group living in Occidental Mindoro, Philippines. 

    Facts about them:

    1. Location: Mountainous regions, including the Iraya Mountains

    2. Population: One of the largest Mangyan groups in Mindoro (Estimated 15,000-20,000 individuals)

    3. Language: Iraya Mangyan language (belongs to the Austronesian). 

    4. Culture and Traditions: Animist and ancestral worship. 

    5. Livelihood: Subsistence farming (rice, corn, and root crops).

    6. Challenges:Limited access to education, healthcare, and social services

    7. Facts: The Iraya Mangyan tribe has a rich oral tradition, with stories and myths passed down through generations

  • We request that you DO NOT get an international cell phone plan. This becomes a huge distraction. While in Manila, you can connect using the internet service at the GO Hotel. 

    NO CELL PHONES when at base camp or while living the tribal communities while on Mindoro.  Restrict phone use ONLY to camera.