Here you will find the resources that have been shared with you throughout the year as well as other helpful resources.
Thank you for all you do for the youth of our church!
Here you will find the resources that have been shared with you throughout the year as well as other helpful resources.
Thank you for all you do for the youth of our church!
Training documents
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again, thank you so incredibly much for all that you do!
if there's anything we can do to better equip you as you lead please let us know
Marcel: (604) 302-2127
Jayden: (778) 809-1176
YOuth long to belong more not to know more....
What does this mean for you? It means we want to encourage you to focus on relationship building in your mentorship group. This does NOT mean you don't the Bible Study but that you make relationship building your priority. It may mean you close the study binder and talk about THEIR concerns in life and you weave into the conversation Biblical truths. Get to know their name, know when it's their birthday, know when special events take place in their live, Listen to their stories!
Youth with Christlike Character do right things...even when no one is watching...
What does this mean for you? Christlike character is shown by you in the way you interact with the youth. How you respond when they act up speaks volumes - are you calm, are you able to correct in a way that is instructive. Our vision of 1 Timothy 4:12 - are you living into those characteristics in your life? Are you modelling Christlike character in your speech, in your conduct, in your love, in your faith and in your purity?
You can only lead from a full tank....
What does this mean for you? Are you taking good care of yourself physically and spiritually? Are you in the Word being refreshed by the Living Water? Are you in conversation with Jesus throughout your day? How are you doing physically? You can only lead when you are healthy to lead - take care of yourself. Remember, we always say 'family first'. That mean if you need to take a night off - let us know! If need prayer - let us know! We are your biggest cheerleaders - let us cheer you on!
They can pick you out before you enter your Small group....
Teach for change...
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